News Detail


Apr, 2024

Opening Day!

Thompson Little League Opening Day is Saturday April 20th!

PARADE INFO: Opening Day begins with a parade from the library to the complex. All coaches and players should arrive at the library parking lot no later than 10:40 am so we can get everyone lined up. The parade begins at 11 am. Please note, roads leading up to the library and along the parade route will be closed after 10:40 am. Opening Day ceremony will take place following the parade on Baron Field. 

Parents of T-Ball and Coach Pitch players are welcome to walk in the parade with their child's team.

OPENING DAY SCHEDULE: Games will start at the conclusion of the Opening Day Ceremony

1:00 Majors: Faucher's Bakery vs Plainfield 3- Baron Field (Game will be broadcast on WINY)

1:00 Minors: Trudeau Plumbing vs Thompson Speedway- Rawson Field

*Can start immediately after the ceremony or as follows*

1:00-1:30 TeeBall: Nikki's Dog House vs LB's- Charlton Field

1:45-2:15 TeeBall: American Rent-All vs French River Material- Charlton Field

2:30 Coach Pitch SB: Sinni's vs Plainfield- Charlton Field

3:00 Coach Pitch: THOP vs American Legion- Rawson Field

AA Minors Lions Club-  unfortunately there is no game scheduled for Opening Day

OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: DOGS, SMOKING, including vaping and e-cigarettes are NOT ALLOWED on Little League property.   Please be sure to inform any friends or family members who might be visiting the complex throughout the year of this policy.  

All kids must be wearing a helmet if they intend to ride a bike, skateboard, roller skates etc.. anywhere within the complex. Please note that the common area in front of the concession stand and garage are off limits to these activities. 


This goes for players, parents and any family and friends who attend.

Remember that children participate to have fun

Be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship

Teach my child to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence

Demand that my child treats coaches, officials, and other players with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or ability

Teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning

Praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard

Promote the emotional and physical well being of athletes ahead of my personal desire to win

Respect the officials and their authority during games

As a Thompson Little League parent/family member, I WILL NOT:

Force my child to participate

Engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent

Boo, taunt, refuse to shake hands, or use profane language

Encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of athletes

Ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a game

Use drugs, tobacco, or alcohol at any league event

Coach my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am a coach.

I pledge to follow this code of conduct.

Let's have a great season all!!

Thompson Little League Board

[email protected]

Local Sponsors


21 Ravenelle St., 15 Red Bridge Rd & 35 Red Bridge Rd
North Grosvenordale, Connecticut 06255

Email: [email protected]